Happy New Years Eve friends!
What can I possibly even say about the year we have had??? I am almost speechless and I am also the type of person who when overwhelmed with so much emotion, gratitude, happiness & hope.. I just cry. And I mean Cry! Like the ugly cry that almost looks painful! I am over-come with excitement to know that just a few hours after midnight my team and I will be getting an early morning glam -squad over-haul to join our friends at the O.W.N. for the launch of their new network! We will be sprinkling our sweetness all over LA on New Years Day and we are simply thrilled to to a part of such a historic moment for the woman who truly has been a mentor, a role model and an inspiration to me my entire life! When I was 7 years old my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I said, " A talk show host- like Oprah!" I had my own theme song, dance & everything! It was called "Just Jackie, Everyone Loves Jackie" ( Clearly, my mom worked hard to give me high self -esteem early on and some days it worked) anyhow, I would tap dance to my own opening and I was a totally Chunktastic child with big rosy cheeks and wore lots of pony tails and weird outfits! Anyhow, my life's path has certainly been nothing close to what's considered, "the norm" and that works for me. Who knows what's in store for 2011but all I can say is the skies the limit for every single one of us! I think the catch in that statement is you've truly got to believe that in order to touch the sky or even get close to it. I'll be tuning in on New Years Day on Time Warner Channel 216. I already located my channel on www.Oprah.com. You should too! I am so excited to watch Season 25, Oprah Behind The Scenes & Ask Oprah's All Stars- I sat next to Dr. Oz & his wife once at a Bat Mitzvah and he's as lovely in person as he is on his show! I'm so happy for all our friends at O.W.N. and they have worked round the clock to ensure nothing less then Spectacularly Amazing!!! Happy New Year Everyone! Tune In!
XoXo- Candy Girl
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Heiress To The Candy Empire Shuts It Down as Baby Rachel Zoe! We DIE & Go Banana's for this style Icon!
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My Mom Styles Therefore, I look Banana's! |
XoXo- Candy Girl & The Heiress To The Candy Empire
PS- Party People- Must Watch The Super Funny Rachel Zoe Clip Below.
PPS- We wanna do some amazing high end candy stylin' for Team Zoe! It's on our 2011 to do list!
PPS- We wanna do some amazing high end candy stylin' for Team Zoe! It's on our 2011 to do list!
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Wearing My Statement Necklaces Fo Sho! |
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Love Me Some RZ!!!! |
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I'm wearing vintage Prada tonight and I'm gonna "Shut it down babyitches!" |
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Knock Offs- Never That! Real Gucci Shades-Duhhh! |
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You Look Amazzze as a preggy Mrs. Zoe |
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Love Me Some Zoe, Love Me Some Brad! I think the blonde chicks a major Zoe-abee! Boo! |
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Perfectioness to the 100th power! |
Baby Bella Candy Girl,
bella heiress to the candy empire as Rachel Zoe,
candy los angeles,
Jackie Sorkin,
rachel zoe baby,
rachel zoe pregnant,
rachel zoe project bravo,
style a to zoe
NEW PRODUCT ALERT! We may be silly, we may be cute, we may be sassy & we may be fun but don't ever say we are NOT cutting edge because we're totally that too!
Candy Girl New Product Alert! Something New, Something Fun, Something Cutting Edge & Really Cool! We love this super high tech candy machine and it's dispenses candy with super genius supersonic technology involving things like words we can't even spell. But isn't it super cool! We love it and they make super fun gifts for any candyholic slash gadget lover. You can tell it how much candy you want : Just a pinch, a big fat handful or a bowl full. It kinda reminds me of the types of candy machines you'd see if you lived with the Jetsons.
Pretty cool right? We thought so too!
XoXo- Candy Girls
Monday, December 27, 2010
We LalaLOVED being one of "This Weeks Favorite Things!' Woot-Woot!
Read The Post Below:
A few of this week's FAVORITE THINGS...
Friday, December 17, 2010 at 2:01PM
It's Friday and that means a look at some of my FAVORITE blog posts from the week. Click on the blog name to visit the post. Enjoy!
Take a look at Nicole and Steven's Magical Winter Wonderland Wedding at the Regent Beverly Wilshire. Event planner MINDY WEISS documents an amazing ballroom transformation and the results are stunning. I especially love the "lampshade" centerpieces and the hydrangea tablecloth.
Especially for the the Mitzvah Moms...
PERSON + KILLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY shares a Rock-n-Roll Bat Mitzvah that took place at Boston's Gillette Stadium. Great venue and lots of great ideas. I love the candy cake, the logo and the great decor.
THE HOLLYWOOD CANDY GIRL shares Oliver's Contemporary Chic Bar Mitzvah at The Four Seasons in Los Angeles. It features one of the most elegant candy cars that I've ever seen.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Jelly Belly Bella's 1st Christmas Eva! The Heiress To The Candy Empire Got Her 1st Tooth For X-Mas & We Had A Puke-tastic Holiday!
Merry Christmas Party People! She made it through her very first Christmas and today of all days she got her very 1st tooth! You know that song that goes " All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth?"Well.. It kinda happened for her... I hate to admit that I have become one of those chicks who are so madly obsessed with their baby! But the truth is, she's just as obsessed with ME and I kinda really like FINALLY having someone on earth who actually believes I am as cool and popular as I have imagined I was for my entire life. Babies are brilliant people because they boost your self esteem, they laugh at all your jokes and they gaze at you as if you are the most stunning creature they've ever laid their eyes on! Listen! I can't believe it either and when I first got her, or popped her out and once she was done cookin' and arrived I kind of looked at her cock eyed like, " You're mine right? So now what am I supposed to do with you? You wanna go get a smoothie? I had NO Clue, None, Nada, Like Clueless. But now, I kinda have a clue and the trick with these lil people is to simply love them and they simply love you right back and occasionally slap you, pull chunks of your hair out and if you're really lucky, they may projectile vomit all over their brand new Christmas outfit and all over you in a a very crowded public restaurant just as mine did to me 2 days ago. And I mean PRO-JEC-TILE! Like the kind of puke that comes out looking like a fountain, like you see in movies, like the kind that makes other people start puking when they see it happening. Sorry T.M.I, I know. But this was an A-Ha! moment where I knew I'd been changed because as I wiped the chunks from my hair and my face and KNEW people were staring at us with their OMG crazy eyeballs. I could have cared less however, since I am kinda feisty, I'll admit, I waited for just one nasty comment and I was ready to pounce like white on rice and throw out my best line in my really good pretend New York accent which could actually also be mistaken with a Bridge & Tunnel New Jersey accent and say, "WHO YOU TALKIN' TO? I KNOW YOU AIN'T TALKIN' TO ME LIKE THAT!" PS- It really seems to scare people when you say that and you look a little crazy too, it also helps if you twist your neck from left to right and use your pointer finger to point while doing so! Anyhow, I looked at my kid covered in milk, puke and what looked like cottage cheese slime and I just smiled at her, I held her up to make her laugh and I wiped her tears and her dirty mouth with my sweater and proudly stood up with puke all over my dress, I threw my hair up in a bun and I bounced my kid up and down until she felt better and she rested her head on my shoulder as to say, Ma! You passed my puke test, good job candy girl! The moral of my story? I'm not quite sure yet but I can tell you that I am getting kinda ridiculously awesome at the whole M-O-M job and I'm using this moment to pat myself on the back and hopefully make you laugh a little... Merry Christmas my friends, I hope your holiday was all that and a bag of milk chocolate covered chips! Oh! And enjoy these gorgeous photos of my mini me which were taken right before Holiday Puke Fest 2010!
XoXo, Candy Girl
Friday, December 24, 2010
It's Christmas Eve & I wish those of you who are just like me a very Happy Christmanukkah !!!
Hi Party People, Happy Christmas Eve to you all!!!
It's officially 5 hrs and 29 minutes until Christmas Day is here in So Cal! I promised myself to post even during the holidays so that I could get my blog fix on and make sure I posted something to celebrate the season. So with that being said, for those of you who are anything like me and can relate to being a fabtasticly glamourous ( High self-esteem day!) Catholic / Jew & Soooo Proud of that- I wish you Cashews all a very Happy Christmasanukkah! The dreidels are done being spun & the Menorah lights slowly fade but now we party our pixie stick pants off with my favorite Jolly Fattie- Good Ol' St. Nick. And I also have to give a massive shout out to the Fabulous Birthday Boy- Happy Birthday Jesus!!!! This cake below is for you and represents the fact that we can all celebrate whoever, whatever, whenever and do it with peace & harmony. I wish for everyone to have most memorable holiday and although presents aren't really important (at all!) I will TOTALLY let you know if my candy king Chris ( I mean...Santa) gets me the Candy Land & Rainbow colored and rhinestoned Ferrari that was #2 on my list. My #1 gift on my list is pretty personal this year and it's actually all I really care about, all I want and all I need and it's something that not even all the money in the world could buy! Nevertheless, I wish everyone so much love & fun and permanent smiles that last you throughout the New Year. Don't forget the true meaning & reason for the season party people!
Candy Girl

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry XXXL-Mas! If you've never heard of New Jersey's resident Sweet Lovin' Female Rapper, Chunky Pam-then U MUST WATCH THIS! Enjoy
4 years ago this Super Jerseylicious Sweet Lover came onto the scene in a Major way! 1st off MTV backed her and her youtube videos blew up. She's funny & She's In On The Joke. One of my best friends, Tiffany from New Jersey or Dirrrrty Jerzy ( This is clearly a Jersey thing!) has an unhealthy obsession with Chunky Pam and she likes to remind me of Chunky Pam's existence every year by emailing me her videos, singing me her songs and sometimes she raps a verse or two for me and she posts Chunky Pams works of art on my facebook page. And... I have to admit a MASSIVE secret of mine- I lived in New Jersey for years and if I can admit that, then clearly- I am a brave woman and deserving of some amazing award for owning up to it! And BTW, this is the type of stuff that I live for. Life is short party people, so make it sweet & fun and always remember... RELAX! Life's not meant to be lived sooooo seriously all the time! I'm taking my own advice and just for today, I won't care about any Copy Cats, Blogabees & Blog Stalkers and you guys know how I typically deal with those aliens!
Happy Holidays! Grab a Ho-Ho & Some Twizzlers & Enjoy!
XoXo- Candy Girl
80's 90's candy candy buffet bar candy catering candy buffets,
buffet candy girls,
chunky pam,
Merry xxxl-mas
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Are you suffering from a Bad Case of Feeling So Fly Like A G6? Tell Me about it & I'm supposed to a grown up!
What up party people! It's been months now and I still can not stop singing The Far East movements-Like a G6. At this point, I'd typically have gotten over it but this one just does not get out of my head and so much so to the point where I wanted to watch the video on youtube and shsh-shake my ass for a minute ( I needed a mental break) you know I do my lollipop thang' and somedays it's brutal out there in Candy Land! So as I'm watching and bouncin' in my desk chair in my PINK sweats and pretending that I for just 1 moment in time was the flyest chick in the club and at about 1:53, I see this girl in the video and think, " Why do I know her" So then it hits me! It's pretty blue haired girl from the Emmy's style lounge! I did a little google stalkin' and came to find out her name's Colette Carr and she is about to explode onto the scene-You'll see. She's already quite well known in La-La land and she's got a lyrical style and even personal style that's all her own. Bottom line, I like her and she kicks ass at Tennis and so do I. Is it not so Random how Tennis fits into all this? I know, but I love the randomness of it. Check her out at http://www.colettecarr.com/
Colette Carr-She reps Malibu hard and sweetly suffered through this photo with our Hollywood Candy Girl- Jessica! |
80's 90's candy candy buffet bar candy catering candy buffets,
buffets los angeles,
candy girls,
colette carr,
the hollywood candy girls
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I'm Obsessing Over The Broke Ass Bride! An Honorary Candy Girl Fo-Sho!
So I have to share this with my blog readers since so many of you happen to be brides planning their fabulous weddings or many of you are girlfriends who hope to turn into Fiance's soon that will eventually become beautiful brides too. And then there are simply those readers who are delusional about their wedding days, have every detail planned, the dress picked, the venue booked AND you don't even have a boyfriend yet! I'm totally kidding but I will admit, I have stumbled across a few of those and I just look, listen and stare in amazement because delusional folks are sometimes REALLY entertaining and who the hell am I to judge anyone? Right! So anyhow, you have got to meet the genius behind The Broke Ass Bride- Dana Huber who found a passion for planning, blogging, weddings and more while planning her own fabtastic wedding to her beau Hunter who is a very silly & sweet guy who performed a special rap he wrote about their story. Dana & Hunter reminded me a bit of myself & my candy king however, I'll admit, my candy king is super low key & even kinda shy nevertheless, he supports my crazy world and often doubles as our head of security, eye candy boy, and heavy stuff carrier. You guys have got to check this out! It's pretty rad!
XoXo- Candy Girl
XoXo- Candy Girl
We're So Honored To Be YENTAS! Oy Vey!
Hi Party People!
Just wanted to share a super fabtastic inteview with you guys! A big fat juicy Kosher Beef Hot Dog Thank you to our most fabulous friends at The Wedding Yentas- (www.theweddingyentas.com) A Guide for the Jewish Bride! We were honored to have been a special featured guests on this fabulous site and being that I myself am A Cashew or Catholic-Jew- If you're thinking -Huh? My dads a gorgeous Jewish Argentinian Stunner & My Hot Mama is a Catholic Spicy Mexicana Latina Hence- Cashews, You Dig? I invented this when I was like 7 and thought I was brilliant for it! Anyhow, I have found so many proud Cashews out there and I wish all of you a very happy Christmasukkah! Now that the Menorah lights have dimmed, we've got a giant Christmas tree to decorate & light!
XoXo- Candy Girl

TWY: What are your favorite color schemes or styles?
Just wanted to share a super fabtastic inteview with you guys! A big fat juicy Kosher Beef Hot Dog Thank you to our most fabulous friends at The Wedding Yentas- (www.theweddingyentas.com) A Guide for the Jewish Bride! We were honored to have been a special featured guests on this fabulous site and being that I myself am A Cashew or Catholic-Jew- If you're thinking -Huh? My dads a gorgeous Jewish Argentinian Stunner & My Hot Mama is a Catholic Spicy Mexicana Latina Hence- Cashews, You Dig? I invented this when I was like 7 and thought I was brilliant for it! Anyhow, I have found so many proud Cashews out there and I wish all of you a very happy Christmasukkah! Now that the Menorah lights have dimmed, we've got a giant Christmas tree to decorate & light!
XoXo- Candy Girl
The Wedding Yentas recently had a chit-chat with Jackie Sorkin of Custom Candy Buffets and Dessert Bars and just like the treats she provides, this top-notch wedding pro was sweet and fun, and we’re excited to share our exchange here! Jackie has sweetened up some of the biggest wedding events in history and also provides buffets for corporate functions and celebrities! We’ve all seen the candy buffet trend explode all over the wedding circuit that keeps guests excited to party hard at your reception. Sugar will do that to you! So keep on reading to learn just how to make sure your confections at your soiree are as sweet as your kisses under the chuppah!
The Wedding Yentas: Welcome to The Wedding Yentas, Jackie! Tell us about how you got your start in the business.
Custom Candy Buffets: I love things that are pretty and candy certainly is that! I began creating custom candy creations for clients’ events and they were received so well that I thought, “There is something to this candy thing.” Then I began doing more and more event shows and expos and, since I am so competitive, I wanted all the attendees at my booth chatting with me and giving me the opportunity to earn their businesses! So, I created some really great Custom Candy Buffet Bars and just like that, I won! My booths were always swamped with guests and people flipped for my candy.
TWY: So, candy buffets started to pop up around wedding receptions about three years ago. Is this trend still going strong?
CCB: We certainly think this trend will stick around for a long time coming! People have actually been enjoying candy stations for quite sometime now. I remember when I attended Bat & Bar Mitzvahs many moons ago the candy station was always a huge hit with the kids, but even more so with the adults! Now you see them at all types of events from weddings to corporate events and they are great for marketing promotions, too.
TWY: There’s enough food and sweets at a typical wedding reception. Between the hors d’oeuvres, entrees, wedding cake, and of course that open bar, why should a bride and groom choose to also have a candy bar at their wedding?
CCB: Weddings are a fantastic place for a candy buffet especially when the bride and groom would like guests to give something to take away with them. Candy buffets also are a super fun DIY favor, a great conversation piece, and can enhance the events’ decor, often adding a fun, whimsical touch.
TWY: So what’s the best way to set up a candy buffet? Do you start with your color palette? And obviously, the whole set up has to look great. Almost as great as the bride, right?
CCB: The bride always outshines every person, place, and thing on her wedding day! We like to start with design consultations, or as we call them, candy consults. We create inspiration boards and discuss theme and color schemes as well.
TWY: Is there such thing as too much? What’s the perfect amount of candy for a guest list of, say, 200 people?
CCB: This is such a popular question and we simply say, Go Big! More is always merrier when it comes to candy! For 200 guests, a nice variety is encouraged and of course the type of candy you will have will always depend on the color scheme you select.
TWY: What else besides candy do you need for a successful candy buffet?
CCB: Great Decor!
TWY: Brides normally do a DIY candy bar. How should they shop for the candy selections?
CCB: To each her own. As they say, “there are no rules in Candy Land.” Every budget is different, too, so determining how much you’d like to spend on your candy buffet will also determine the types of candy you purchase.
TWY: Is there a must-have candy that belongs in every wedding candy buffet?
CCB: Gummy candy, sours or chocolate.
TWY: You get around to some of the coolest weddings and events! Tell us about one of your favorite set ups.
CCB: We’ve created some fabulous events for Oprah and her staff at her new network OWN. We created a colorful tropical candy buffet, a vintage circus, and have created some super cute custom candy baskets too! I mean it’s OPRAH and everything she and her staff does is fabulous!
TWY: Speaking of set ups, do couples have to provide their own canisters or do you rent them for the event?
CCB: Our services are all inclusive. Our clients do not have to bother with anything at their event. We make everyone’s life easy! We design, create, set up, maintain the candy buffet, clean up, and pick up once it’s all over.
TWY: I’m sure there are now couples that are craving some sugar at their weddings after reading this! Do you travel? Where do you go? Are you rackin’ up the frequent flyer miles?
CCB: We are nationwide and YES, we fly and ship and do it all!
TWY: What are the hottest and trendiest candies to feature at a candy buffet?
CCB: I find that people flip for sour candy like sour belts, Sour Patch Kids, sour apple rings, etc.
CCB: I LOVE a fabulous colorful candy buffet — think rainbow colors. It looks fantastic every time!
TWY: What are some candy buffet no-nos?
CCB: Think about the weather. If it’s too hot you should limit the types of candy that will melt, like chocolates and caramels and even some gummy candy will melt with extreme heat. Be careful when selecting containers. Some may look fantastic, but the are not functional so guests will have a hard time trying to reach the candy in the containers. Always keep it clean and sanitary. Our Candy Girls (Attendants) assist guests with selections and keep everything looking fantastic throughout your event.
TWY: Is it good to feature a variety? Is it okay to have some chocolate, some sour, some sugary, some salty? Or, is it better to stick with one kind of taste palette?
CCB: This depends on your candy vision. A variety is always good but some colors are more challenging to source candy for.
TWY: I’m a chocolate girl. I also dig a good gummy animal — worm, bear — I don’t discriminate. What’s your favorite candy?
CCB: Ummm, kind of hard to answer but I’ll say … jelly beans (the old school kind).
TWY: You take out ALL the calories in all your candy bar set ups, right?? RIGHT????? 
CCB: OH YES! We tell our clients, “Our candy makes you skinny, pretty, and popular so eat up!”
bar mitzvahs orange county,
buffets orange county san diego,
buffets los angeles,
candy bars and candy stations,
candy catering las vegas,
Custom Candy Buffet Bars,
The Wedding Yentas
Briana's Perfectly Plum Wedding & Custom Cookie Buffet Bar- Homemade cookies made with love by the bride's Big Ol' Beautiful Italian Familia
Hey, Hey Party People,
Another fantastic event to share with y'all. I love using the word y'all. I'm the farthest thing from a Southern Belle but I do have me some big ol' long Texas hair so I figure I can get away with it. My beyond beautiful & sweet bride, Briana Day & her gorgeous groom Adam were married at The Tustin Ranch Golf Club and hired us to coordinate their special Wedding Day in addition to having us create a truly customized cookie buffet bar for their friends and family. We worked with the family just a few months ago when their cousin Jenna was married so if these faces look familiar it may be due to the fact that we posted tons of great pics of them prior. Briana's little sister Kendall looks like her sisters twin but I actually learned the girls are 15 months apart. I personally have been trying recruit Kendall to become a Candy girl for quite some time because this girl has got that very special "IT" factor and she and I click so well. The girls in this family are simply so sweet, so fun, so gorg and so awesome, I am girl crushing on them baaaadly! Anyhow, about the sweet stuff, Briana thought cookies would be so cute to give away as favors and her very own family baked dozens and dozens of cookies for her cookie buffet. The cookies were accompanied by ice cold milk shooters. The late night snack of cookies & milk and the to-go favor boxes were a massive hit. We absolutely love this very loving family and were so happy to have been a part of yet another fantastic wedding! Congratulations guys!
XoXo- Candy Girl
buffets los angeles,
candy bars and candy stations,
cookie bars,
custom cookie favors,
purple weddings candy buffet bar
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