Emily celebrated her Super Sweet Sixteen at the Newport Beach Country Club in Orange County California and had the time of her life! This super fun, super PINKALICIOUS party was the cutest! What girly girl doesn't love a party decked out in pink & sparkles! We book so many Sweet Sixteens & Quincenieras and they are some of the most fantastic events we do! Turning 16 is a huge milestone in any teenagers life and we love being able to partake in these events while making sure everyone is on major Suga' Over-load! We wish Emily a very happy birthday and had a amazing time meeting her and all her hysterical friends! Thanks for letting us hop into your Pink Hummer- sooooo cool! A special thank you to Husband of the year Chris who helped us out and set-up this fabulous display- We were incredibly over-booked on this day and needed all the extra support we could get! I promised him 2 tickets to the next Yankee game when they are back in town and baseball season begins! Goooooo Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay Pink & Stay Sweet!
xoxo- Jackie & The Candy Girls

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