Hi Party People, PINK Girls, Cancer Survivors and those of you who are fighting the good fight and being as courages as you possibly can be. We stand with you, we fight with you, we support the cause to find a cure for YOU. I admit, this post touches me so deeply as well as the rest my beautiful & kind candy girls and as I type, I have a huge lump in my throat, I try to hold back tears and know that by the end of this post they will be running down my face and that's OK. The truth is, I am an insanely sensitive girl who masks it with jokes, being tremendously self deprecating, kinda funny and sarcastic. As I have said before, Cancer is no joke and I know first hand what it feels like to watch someone you love battle this disease with all their strength and all their might! I know what it feels like the moment you hear someone you love say, "I have cancer" and I know that from that very moment in time, your life changes in an instant and the ridiculous things that once mattered to you mean nothing as you fall to your knees and begin to beg and plead with GOD to please fix everything now. We are taught not to hate anyone in the world but I do hate you Cancer. I really hate you even more then I hate getting on the scale. Actually, I can't stand you and I'd love to make you disappear ( mafia style).
I watched my dad battle cancer so bravely and so valiantly and he handled the scariest time in our families history with so much courage and so much calm. He is a survivor and although his surgery scar fades more and more each day, I'll never forget what we went through, how we prayed, how we loved and how we lived. We spent Thanksgiving day in the hospital that year as my dad recovered and his body had needles and tubes all over it. I of course, had to add stress to the day by sneaking in our new puppy Chloe into the hospital in my sweater. My mom was so pissed at me! Remember the spanish accent ( Ayyy, Yacky, Gwy yew bring dat dog into de hospital? Yew gonna be en biiiig troble! De dog don't have no chots yet) Listen, growing up in a house full of dog lovers, I figured that the puppy would be therapeutic for my dad. Ok, so I was wrong that time.
My family & my friends are my world and being the workaholic and ambitious girl that I am, I sit here (now fully in a puddle of mascara filled tears and snot) and I remember that every single day of life is a gift and we should use it to empower, inspire and ignite others and ourselves to do good things and live with purpose. My cancer experience was by far the scariest time in my life and although we don't really discuss and re-live my dads experience too often due to him being so incredibly positive and choosing to look forward rather then ever looking back, I often remember and continue to live through the pain of watching some of my best friends lose their parents to this disease. So for them and everyone, I choose to be public about my experience in the hopes that I may connect or relate or simply share with someone else who needs to hear this. My dad has been clean of cancer for over 2 years now and I am simply... grateful.
Here's to finding a cure.
XoXo- Candy Girl
We were honored when we were called in to create a fabulous Think PINK event for Cancer Awareness. My work is important to me but the work we can do as people is even greater so no need for a silly post or description of the event this time. The photos will do their job and I'll just say, I am privileged to have been a part of this day.
Cancer Survivor, My Dad Jorge in his customary "Tennis Anyone" Sweater
holding his first grand child ( in silly hat) my daughter, Isabella |