Hi Candy Friends, Fans & Family,
My sincerest and deepest apologies for those of you who have been in deep agony over our lack of blog posts. The last 2 weeks have been nuts and it's simply because we've gone bonkers banana's crazy and are running around town at all hours of the day providing candy for all of La-La Lands finest folks! Now check this out- This super fabulous premier we did was for the blue ray release of the classic movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Our client asked us to create an old fashioned candy shoppe just like the one in the movie. Since this is Hollywood, a custom candy set was built by prop & set designers and the candy selections included old time penny candy, general store favorites and those syrup filled wax bottles that everyone lalaLOVED and flipped for. The star of the film Mr. Dick Van Dyke stopped by " The Scrumptious Sweet Co- Makers of High Class Confectionery's" and was thrilled with all this old time candy! We created custom candy shoppe costumes branded with the movie title and our Candy Man, RRR-Ramoncini and Intern Jessica did a fantastic job greeting and assisting guests. I could not be prouder of team CCBB! We were up at 5am on this day and ended our day at nearly 2:30 in the morning! A 20+ hr work day but as we say in Candy Land... Only the sweet & strong survive! Enjoy these fantastic pics!
XoXo- Candy Girl

I am absolutely dying! That is the look I want for my shoppe someday (granted it will be bath "sweet" products.
I love it! Did you do the "shop" design too (the staging)?
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