The fleet grows on! So how do a bunch of Candy Girls, Eye Candy Boy with Gigantasaurous Rex Muscles, Heiress To The Candy Empire in Car Seat & Loads of Candy Travel? Well.. sometimes depends on whose driving we can look like the circus getting out of a clown car but thank goodness for our Candy King & Baby Daddy who saw our necessity, filled our demand and handed over the keys to our newest Candy Mobile! An amazing and fancy Secret Service Style- G ride that fits all of us and then some! I'm really hoping the next G ride or shall I say C ride is the rainbow colored Candy Land Ferrari!!! When you see us on the road honk twice, wiggle your nose and scream "Gimme some CANDY!" and we'll toss you a Lollipop!
See you around town Party People!!!
XoXo- Candy Girls

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