So what do Hollywood's favorite Candy Girls do when they get a call from a fabulous client In New York City who needs to send some special treats to L.A's Beloved Los Angeles Lakers & Team Management? Well Duhh... We dive right on in to the task at hand and create fantastical Extra Large Custom Retro Candy Gift Baskets and over-stuff them with deliciousness! Thank goodness we have a pretty spectacular inventory which allows us to take care of our clients. Even at a moments notice! These purple & gold beauties were even hand delivered much earlier then the client had anticipated due to the rush job and at the end of the day we received this rad email which contributed to raising our Self-Esteem even more! And you thought we were just some silly girls who play with candy didn't you? Well, we actually put the "SERV" in Customer Service too! I mean, does this amazingness ever end? We highly doubt it! You now have permission to roll your eyes like our parents do!
To: Info@customcandybuffetbars.comFrom: XXX@XX.COMRe: Lakers Candy Baskets
Yay!!! Thanks Jackie ... great news. You rock!Thanks again ... the big boss loved the baskets!
XoXo- Candy Girl

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