Our Dear Sista Friend Kelle Cake Pops was back for a little baking action for her sassy son Riley's Wrestling Awards Banquet at Aliso Niguel High School. I happen to be Riley's Fave Aunt Eva !!!! So we had to create something extra special for our big wrestling star and the towns local heart throb! Riley is sssssuper cool but on another level cool, like "you can't touch this," cool ( at least he thinks so but who are we to burst his bubble?) We believe it's great to have very high-self esteem that starts at a young age! So cupcakes, candy, posh pixels signs.. you know the deal. A great night for all the boys who worked very hard and have no problem wearing those ridiculously tight wrestling uniforms! Go!!! Wolverines!!! Back flip, cart wheel, splits and jazz hands....
XoXo- Candy Girl

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