Today is most definitely a day for the Party People and if you are a member of my family then that is an understatement! 1 Year ago today my husband Mr. New York or Chris or Toby ( I know, a lotta nick-names) and I received the greatest gift we've ever known, Our daughter Isabella. All I know is that in a year full the controlled chaos that I choose to live in, this little precious girl ( who happens to have the silkiest, most ridiculously fabulous hair) has brought more happiness, messes and amazingly nauseating lovy dovy tear jerker moments than any of us could have ever imagined. I get it now- the love for your child is something that is nearly impossible to sum up in words and I happen to really love using words but in this case the only thing that seems to flow out of me so freely and in massive quantities are... tears. Lots and lots of them. Today also represents the 36th wedding anniversary of my mom & dad, Georgie & Arcelia who are my best friends ( no joke, we only hang out with my parents these days!) they are my life's greatest teachers, supporters, examples of how to live life with all you've got, get over nonsense & forgive ( ok- i'm still clearly working on that one but trying, it's hard). So today as you can imagine, is a very celebratory day in Candy Land but the truth is, life is such a beautiful thing and we're in a constant state of celebration lately and that is how I hope for things to always be...
Candy Girl

You know, Jackie, I'm a man of a few words. But having you as our child was one of the biggest blessings a parent can aspire, and seeing you and Chris being reincarnated in Bubba has been such a precious gift that we even wonder if we deserve so much. I know I have my temper sometimes and mama can be a pain in the culito, but we both wish the best of the best to you, Chris and Bubba. God bless you all.
I love you dad.. stop making me cry.
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