Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Britneymania on GLEE! This post is an obsession confession for my Candy Girls who have been absolutely bonkers-banana's obsessed with Britney Spears since they were little teeny tiny toned & tanned baby candy girls!

This is a special post for my 6 lil' candy mama's who absolutely live & breath for the super talented pop princess Miss Britney Spears! The girls have a rather un-healthy obsession with Miss. Spears and I would relate it to my un-helathy obsession with WHAM & George Michael ( see post- Well, the candy girls simply love Britney Spears so much that they dress like her on Halloween, they wear her perfume, follow her concert tours around the country and whenever she is performing in Las Vegas they jump on the first plane, train or automobile that's available and they dash off to see her! Bree just told me how on one of their last trips they met Britney's body guard in Vegas and he was so sweet and gave the girls FRONT ROW TICKETS to her concert, they got to sit on big plush comfy couches and they were so close to Britney I don't know how they controlled themselves enough to not jump right on stage and hug her! After the concert they got to go back stage and they met Britney's dad Jaime who was so nice to them!The candy girls know every single Britney song, every video and every dance move. Their one and only wish is that we get to do candy for her beautiful boys birthdays Sean Preston & Jayden James. I'm working on it girls.. hopefully it will happen soon! I always deliver and you know it! Anyhow, since Britney just caused GLEE Mania by appearing on the show, I figured I would write this post just for my girls and celebrate their love for Miss. Spears!

And PS- I went to High School with GLEE star Matthew Morrison, who plays Glee coach,Will Schuester and I am so happy for Matt's massive success! When I lived in New York City, I went to see him on Broadway a few times when he starred in Hair Spray and a couple other fantastic shows. Matt is a super talented guy and a friend to all, he is as sweet in person as he is on the show.

XoXo- Candy Girl


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