So here it is.. Another Bump shot and I am trying to look as OK as possible. Always remember when you want to look a little less Large & In Charge & Pregnant, take the picture at a slight angle and hold that camera nice and high. My husband needs no help with pictures- he hasn't gained a pound and is Gorgeous- normally I appreciate his good genes but lately I've just been annoyed by them ;-) Do I need to say- I'm Kidding?
Chris & I are getting really excited about our Isabella! Our friends & family & clients are so funny and always give me a hard time for being all about business and sharing little of our personal lives with everyone. I am getting better... Doesn't really get more personal than this right?
Can't wait for our Baby Candy Girl to get here! She's going to have her own page on the website and check out these candy baby costumes! She's going to look Insanely Cute and if you think I am waiting until Halloween to dress her up- Wrong! I'm going to have one of these bad boy costumes ready for her to wear home from the

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