Hiiiiiii Friends!!! I know, I know.. the Super Bowl was a SUPER SNORE this year!!! However, i'm so happy to announce that our little Disney Princess's had THE TIME OF THEIR FREAKIN' LIVES!
( At least the kids were entertained! But side note, Bruno Mars did kick MAJOR musical Ass!!!) I think any occasion is worth making a BIG deal over and when Belly's best friend Reggy turned 4 on Super Bowl Sunday, her mommy Stacy ( one of my BF's who LOVES wine & Pottery Barn more then any other woman on earth) decided to throw her a kind of crazy Super Bowl, Disney Princess, Frozen, Karaoke spectacular!!!! Doesn't that sound like a mess of A.D.D??? It totally was! The point is- we're the kind of moms who don't necessarily plan everything in the most "NORMAL" way however, if our kids are having fun, are happy, are safe and are being crazy & creative..
WE SCORED! It's the year of the perfectly, imperfect mothers!
PS- How ADORABLE did our girls look? Belly was CindaBella and Reggy was Ariel from The Little Mermaid with a hint of SNOOKI! My son Christian "Papito" did not dress up as a Princess however, he did make an appearance dressed as a mini Justin Bieber ( PRE- THE CRAZY YEARS!) Ughh! Stop destroying your empire Biebs! If I were your mother I sit on you and duck tape you to a chair and feed you cup o noodles until you calmed your ass back down! #MommyDearest #Getittogether #DUH

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